1. Indo-US Nuclear Deal
The social and economic prosperity of a nation depends, to a large extent, upon its energy security. The recent truckers' and petroleum industry officials' strike demonstrated how crippling can the effect of energy shortage be on the economy. Energy security has been the reason for many of the wars fought in the past. The recently signed Indo-US nuclear deal is of course a step in the direction of India's Energy security. But this deal will form the basis for an extended and broad cooperation between the largest and the oldest democracies in the world in all fronts, be it social, economic, political, commercial, defense or security. This cooperation between India and US will play an important role in the events that will unfold in coming times as studied briefly in the editorial appearing in Marathi Daily Pratyaksha dated Oct 3, 2008. Its translation follows.
Congratulations and Celebration
(Editorial in Pratyaksha by ParamPoojya Aniruddha Bapu (Dr. Aniruddha D. Joshi), dated Oct 3, 2008)
The investigations in the aftermath of 9/11 led the US to realize the main mistakes it had committed in their dealings with Pakistan. They realized for the first time since the Second World War that even after giving a helping hand to Pakistan for so many years, Pakistan is much closer to China. Further they also gauged the danger posed by the China-Pakistan-North Korea triad.
In the mean while China had silently but steadily made enormous economic progress. It had extended its economic ties with many countries in Africa and South America. The events happening in North Korea around 2004 also displayed the military might of China. In this scenario US was left with only one reliable option -- `India'.
Therefore since the latter half of 2004, US started to improve its relations with India. It started considering India as a key ally in formulating its policies in various commercial, political, cultural and defense fields.
As and how the Indo-US ties became stronger, it became easier for US to get key intelligence information about the activities of China-Pakistan-North Korea triad. This led US to gauge how these cruel and greedy nations can influence the activities in next decade.
Rapidly changing political and economic equations started affecting each and every nation. India also realized that rather than blindly opposing US it is important to watchfully cooperate with it. Slowly the Indian Government started taking positive stand towards US, and this stand helped the Bush Administration. Both countries having realized the same truth around the same time made many things easier. Both parties
also realized that until and unless India and US got signed a Nuclear Deal, all other means of cooperation can just satisfy 1% of the purpose. Without it in future both the countries would have been rendered weaker and ineffective.
In the events of the now impending Third World War, the removal of crippling clauses from the Nuclear Deal text by US senate and the people associated with it -- George Bush, Manmohan Singh, Sonia Gandhi and Condoleeza Rice -- and their roles would be very important constituents.
Any international deal is never 100% safe. It has some dangers associated with it. The leadership has to go ahead keeping in mind the inherent pitfalls of the deal and it has to make correct and strong decisions to avoid the pitfalls. And the Indian leadership has successfully done this until now...
This Nuclear Deal will make both India and US stronger and more capable. Many political parties have not, as of now, perceived the enormous boost to Indian economy that this deal could provide. Within eighteen months of the signing of this deal, Indian economy would start flourishing. This what the study of unbiased eminent economists has revealed.
Most importantly, the China-Pakistan-North Korea will not be able to perform its activities secretly. This might either spark off the third world war or douse it. But the former seems to be a possibility.
My dear shraddhavan friends, let us today chant `Ghorkashtoddharan Stotra' at least once for this Nuclear Deal which is of utmost important for the security and prosperity of our very beloved Mother India.
Congratulations Shri Bush and Shri Manmohan Singh.
2. Indo-France Nuclear Deal
The social and economic prosperity of a nation depends, to a large extent, upon its energy security. The recent truckers' and petroleum industry officials' strike demonstrated how crippling can the effect of energy shortage be on the economy. Energy security has been the reason for many of the wars fought in the past. The recently signed Indo-US nuclear deal is of course a step in the direction of India's Energy security. But this deal will form the basis for an extended and broad cooperation between the largest and the oldest democracies in the world in all fronts, be it social, economic, political, commercial, defense or security. This cooperation between India and US will play an important role in the events that will unfold in coming times as studied briefly in the editorial appearing in Marathi Daily Pratyaksha dated Oct 3, 2008. Its translation follows.
Congratulations and Celebration
(Editorial in Pratyaksha by ParamPoojya Aniruddha Bapu (Dr. Aniruddha D. Joshi), dated Oct 3, 2008)
In the mean while China had silently but steadily made enormous economic progress. It had extended its economic ties with many countries in Africa and South America. The events happening in North Korea around 2004 also displayed the military might of China. In this scenario US was left with only one reliable option -- `India'.
Therefore since the latter half of 2004, US started to improve its relations with India. It started considering India as a key ally in formulating its policies in various commercial, political, cultural and defense fields.
As and how the Indo-US ties became stronger, it became easier for US to get key intelligence information about the activities of China-Pakistan-North Korea triad. This led US to gauge how these cruel and greedy nations can influence the activities in next decade.
Rapidly changing political and economic equations started affecting each and every nation. India also realized that rather than blindly opposing US it is important to watchfully cooperate with it. Slowly the Indian Government started taking positive stand towards US, and this stand helped the Bush Administration. Both countries having realized the same truth around the same time made many things easier. Both parties
also realized that until and unless India and US got signed a Nuclear Deal, all other means of cooperation can just satisfy 1% of the purpose. Without it in future both the countries would have been rendered weaker and ineffective.
In the events of the now impending Third World War, the removal of crippling clauses from the Nuclear Deal text by US senate and the people associated with it -- George Bush, Manmohan Singh, Sonia Gandhi and Condoleeza Rice -- and their roles would be very important constituents.
Any international deal is never 100% safe. It has some dangers associated with it. The leadership has to go ahead keeping in mind the inherent pitfalls of the deal and it has to make correct and strong decisions to avoid the pitfalls. And the Indian leadership has successfully done this until now...
This Nuclear Deal will make both India and US stronger and more capable. Many political parties have not, as of now, perceived the enormous boost to Indian economy that this deal could provide. Within eighteen months of the signing of this deal, Indian economy would start flourishing. This what the study of unbiased eminent economists has revealed.
Most importantly, the China-Pakistan-North Korea will not be able to perform its activities secretly. This might either spark off the third world war or douse it. But the former seems to be a possibility.
My dear shraddhavan friends, let us today chant `Ghorkashtoddharan Stotra' at least once for this Nuclear Deal which is of utmost important for the security and prosperity of our very beloved Mother India.
Congratulations Shri Bush and Shri Manmohan Singh.
2. Indo-France Nuclear Deal
While the Indo-US Nuclear Deal is under discussions, India and France have entered into civilian nuclear deal thus ending 34 years of India's isolation in nuclear trade. France has thus become the first nation to sign nuclear pact with India, and this will take the bilateral relations between the two countries to higher level.
The nuclear deal with France will enable India to get access to nuclear reactors, fuels and related technology. India has been denied access to this technology after it conducted nuclear tests at Pokhran in 1975. Many countries had imposed sanctions on nuclear trade with India in the aftermath of these nuclear tests. These sanctions were lifted at the NSG meet thus paving the way for Indo-US nuclear deal. While the Indo-US deal is still being discussed at the US congress, France has ceased the opportunity to broaden its bilateral relations with India by an Indo-France civilian nuclear deal.
In addition to the nuclear deal India and France entered into several other pacts that will bolster economic, social and cultural cooperation between the two countries. Among these, are the social security pact and the pact to improve cooperation between India's space organization ISRO and France's space organization Astrium.
3. Successful Launch of Chandrayaan
On Wednesday October 22nd, 2008, India successfully launched the Chandrayaan, thrusting India into the elite club nations with mighty presence on moon. ISRO chairman Madhavan Nair described this as the "Historic moment for the Nation". In collaboration with the Russian Space organization ISRO is now preparing for the launch of Chandrayaan-II by 2010. Success of Chandrayaan has received wide applause from different quarters of the globe. "American scientists are more than eager to collaborate in the subsequent stages of the Chandrayaan mission", said David Mullford -- US Ambassador to India. The successful landing of MIP on lunar surface took ISRO to the elite club of three other organizations, US, Russian and European Sapce Research Organizations, to have achieved this unique technological and scientific feat.
Space research is a very complex and costly scientific activity, the main reason being the lack grasp of the surroundings in which the engineered system has to operate. As such it is ecenomically unviable for developing nations to venture in it. The fact that Chandrayaan was the lunar expsdition with lowest budget, among other such missions carried out in the past, only demonstrates the the scientific and engineering might of scientists involved in the mission.
Success of Chandrayaan-I marks the beginning of ISRO's venture in Space related business. Talk about the projects to launch satellites of 4 nations. Space and nuclear will attract heavy investments in coming days and ISRO's recent success demonstrate that India will not be just the importer but also exporters in this trade. I am sure this will lend stability and prosperity to Indian economy.

4. Indo-Japan Defence and Economic Cooperation Deal
On October 22, 2008, India and Japan signed important pacts regarding defence and economic cooperation. Japanese investors have welcomed this move between the two nations. There has been no agreement in any form of nuclear cooperation, though. The Prime Ministers of the two nations, Manmohan Singh and Taro Aso, asserted that the economic and defence cooperation deal is not targetted against any nation and that they do not intend to target China. Aso further added that "There is no competition between India and China. The world is big and both these nations have great opportunities for development."
5. Largest Indo-US Defence Deal
On the backdrop of 26/11 Mumbai attacks and rising tensions between India and Pakistan, India has entered into the largest Defense deal with US. According to this deal US will provide India with eight long range Boeing P-8I planes. These planes, which will be inducted in the Indian Navy, will be used for the monitoring of high seas. India invested eight thousand five hundred crore Rupees in this deal. India will receive these planes in a phased manner between 2011 and 2015. These planes will be equipped with modern radar, harpoon missiles, tornado and depth bombs. To strengthen Indian defense India has entered into an agreement with US to procure six C-130J super hercules fighter planes. These two Defense deals in quick succession that US has made with India is an indicator of strengthening Defense cooperation between the two countries.
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